Monday, May 30, 2022

Design Principles and Design Pattern

 Design Principles

  • Encapsulate what varies
  • Favor Composition over Inheritance
  • Loose Coupling
  • Program to interfaces
  • SOLID Principle
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov's substitution principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle.

   Design Patterns

  • Creational Design Pattern
    • Factory Pattern
      Let the factory do the job of creating the objects rather than instantiating the object using New 
    • Abstract Factory Pattern -
      Creating a Factory from list of factories.
    • Builder Pattern
      The builder pattern is an object creation software design pattern with the intentions of finding a solution to the telescoping constructor anti-pattern. Telescoping constructor anti-pattern means that the constructor is getting bigger and bigger due to addition of a lot of parameters.
    • Prototype Pattern - Clone the existing object and then make modification to the object rather than creating the object from scratch.
      In java can be done by implementing the Cloneable  and overriding the Clone() method. But Clonable makes a shallow copy. We need to override the clone method for the child objects and the clonable method should be updated
    • Singleton Pattern

      public class SingletonPatternDemo {
      	public static void main(String args[]){
      		SingletonClass singletonObject = SingletonClass.getInstance();
      		singletonObject = SingletonClass.getInstance();
      		try {
      		} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      class SingletonClass{
      	private volatile static SingletonClass singletonObject;
      	private SingletonClass(){
      		System.out.println("Construting SingletonClass");
      	public static SingletonClass getInstance(){
      		if(singletonObject == null){
      				if(singletonObject == null){
      					singletonObject = new SingletonClass();
      		return singletonObject;
      	public Object Clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{
      		throw new CloneNotSupportedException();



  • Structural Design Pattern
    • Adapter Pattern
    • Bridge Pattern
    • Composite Pattern
      The composite pattern is used when single objects and multiple objects should be treated uniformly.
    • Decorator Pattern
      The decorator pattern allows you to alter behavior dynamically, without affecting other objects of the same type.
    • Facade Pattern
      A facade is used to allow the user to perform complex processes with simple actions.
    • Flyweight Pattern
      The flyweight pattern can be used to save memory by using a single object instead of many.
    • Proxy Pattern
      The proxy pattern allows you to put off expensive operations until they are used.
  • Behavioral Design Pattern
    • Publisher/subscriber pattern

Creational Design Pattern

Structural Design Pattern

Reference :


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